Sauna Saturday

11 a.m.


11 a.m.–1 p.m. Building a mini-sauna
Nappula, on the second floor of the Museum of Central Finland

You are invited to craft a miniature sauna and stove out of cardboard boxes and small packages. Is your sauna room design traditional or modern? What does your dream sauna look like? What are the things that make up your dream sauna? The workshop will provide the necessary materials, but you can bring things you would like to use in your mini sauna with you, if you so wish.
The workshop is suitable for people of all ages.

1 p.m. Good sauna steam – science or mysticism?
Non-fiction writer Heikki K. Lyytinen

Lecture is in Finnish.

Free admission to the lecture.

2 p.m. Guided tour of the Finnish Sauna Culture exhibition

4 p.m. Sauna-themed guided tour at the Muuratsalo Experimental House
The guided tour will include taking a moment to experience Alvar Aalto’s smoke sauna being heated and learning how to heat a traditional smoke sauna.

The next event