Opening hours
10.00 – 18.00

Johanna Pisto & Team

Buy a ticket Johanna Pisto along with a multidisciplinary team combines visual art, music, video, design and technology in an interactive exhibition. Based on a research project by the University of Jyväskylä, the Kaikuteam developed a method for sensorialising visual arts, which is put into practice here, for the first time. The artwork reacts to […]

Heart Sounds – The Pulse of Punk in the Dead Centre of Finland 1977–1992

Buy a ticket The exhibition presents the history of punk for everyone: for cynical punk veterans, nerdy record collectors, and academic time travellers. The exhibition recounts the Punk way of doing things loudly and with a big heart. Punk reached Finland at the end of the 1970s and also made an impact on the youth […]